The board of trustees is made up of 5 people with ranging backgrounds, who oversee the running of the not for profit trust and ensure its aims are being achieved.
Morama has employed many people from the surrounding area, who are directly involved in the day to day management of the reserve and act as important ambassadors within the surrounding communities.
who we are
Mod Masedi
Mod Masedi
Mod is a Botswana citizen with extensive experience in teaching at government schools in a variety of locations throughout Botswana. Mod retired in 2011 from the post of Principle of a middle school in Maun, and previously was head teacher at Gumare school. He is an active community capacity builder, and is involved with a variety of development programmes to enhance the communities and wildlife of Botswana.
Dr Peter Stevens
Peter is a professional zoologist/ecologist and first came to Botswana in the 1960s and after a 30 year absence, returned to devote his expertise to wildlife conservation in Botswana and became a resident. Prior to retirement in 2000 he was director of the Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust (UK) and Paignton Environmental Park (UK). He has a BSc in zoology, awarded an Honorary Doctorate, for services to wildlife conservation by the University of Plymouth UK was susbsequently made an MBE for services to wildlife conservation.
Chris Kruger
Chris is permanent resident of Botswana and has resided here for over 30 years during which time he has worked in the ecotourism business. As a director of Wilderness Safaris for some 20 years he has gained extensive experience from specialist guiding, camp and operational management, and training. He is therefore hugely respected in the field. He is currently Director of his own business which designs and builds safari lodges in Botswana. He has a Masters degree in Environmental Tourism.
Simon Tonge
Simon is a zoology graduate and the Executive Director of the Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust and South West Environmental Parks Ltd in the UK, both registered not for profit charities. He has responsibility for the management of three zoological parks and two wildlife reserves, all of which attract over 500,000 visitors per year. His experience as both a businessman and professional biologist is of great value to the Trust and is the Secretary and Treasurer. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate for services to wildlife conservation by the University of Plymouth in the UK.
Tom Stevens
Tom has 20 years of experience in conservation, environmental management,tourism and business development. He managed Morama wildlife reserve and worked within the safari industry in Botswana. He holds a BSc in Zoology and and MSc in Conservation Biology and Wildlife Management. Since 2010 he has led on sustainable business development at the Eden Project UK, a registered charity, and is now a director of his own ecotourism company.