community & education
School visits – schoolchildren from the surrounding villages, and as far afield as Maun (300km away from Morama) have visited and stayed on the reserve. They have learnt about the flora and fauna, ecotourism, and environmental management. But perhaps most importantly and simply - they have been exposed to the wonders of the bush.
Employment – with up to 16 people employed at one time on the reserve, the team have been involved with implementing habitat management plans, maintaining camps and access for visiting groups
Training of ecological monitoring techniques – training of all staff to undertake monitoring and recording of wildlife/species presence and numbers with changes over time. This has been undertaken over a period of 15 years.
Human wildlife conflict management – with the provision of water and a safe migratory passage for elephants, the risk of direct conflict with local communities is considerably reduced.
Increasing awareness of the area – the trustees work as ambassadors for the area, its people and wildlife at a national and international level.
Additional areas of development
Training of local residents in skills needed for employment on the project
Craft production and establishment of a marketing co-operative
Co-operative retail stores in remote villages where none exist
Community representation on Morama Management Committee
Community projects e.g. supply of education materials and books, market gardening, bee-keeping and sale of produce
Encourage local people to acquire and manage property adjacent to Morama and to follow the management plan for the wider reserve with training and guidance for the management
Establishment of environmental education programmes on site and in schools
Residential courses for adults on environmental education
Promotion of the use of alternative low technology
Promotion of Botswana culture and arts