Morama Wildlife Reserve is situated within Ngamiland, in the north west of Botswana. It lies within the northern limits of the Kalahari sands and covers an area of around 250km² and is about 90km from the western edge of the Okavango Delta.
The area consists of a series of ancient dunes and shallow valley systems that vary in width, from a few hundred meters to several kilometres across. Ancient (fossil) rivers once flowed through the valley systems and may well be the source of all the waterholes now present that attract all the wonderful wildlife.
Until 2001 the area was used for grazing of livestock, although in later years only at very low levels due to the effects of drought, lung disease and toxic vegetation making it uneconomic for the farming of non-indigenous species.
the place

The open grassland that is so important for many of the migratory species had been reduced over the past 30 years through bush encroachment, a direct result of overgrazing by domestic stock, and a reduction in wild browsing animals from competition with the domestic stock.
Since 2001, we have been working to to build strong relationships with the surrounding San communities who have been employed at the reserve over that time.
Management plans are in place and are being implemented, with work ranging from bush clearance, flora and fauna surveys, training for local communities and hosting school visits.
Mammal species present include wild dog, leopard, caracal, elephant, zebra, gemsbok, roan antelope, warthog, wildebeest, steenbok, duiker, kudu, brown hyaena, black backed jackal, bat-eared fox, African wildcat, porcupine, and springhare.
To date over 120 species of bird have been observed.